Building Lightning-Fast Websites with Astro and Storyblok

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Reading time: 12 mins

In today's digital landscape, web performance has become a critical factor in delivering great user experiences. Slow-loading sites can frustrate visitors and lead to higher bounce rates and lower conversions. However, achieving blazing-fast performance without compromising functionality can be a challenging task.

Astro and Storyblok is a power couple that empowers developers to build lightning-fast websites with a limited amount of JavaScript. By combining Astro's static site generation capabilities with Storyblok's headless CMS, developers can leverage the power of pre-rendered content and reduce client-side JavaScript execution, resulting in optimal site speed. This article delves into the seamless integration of Astro and Storyblok, highlighting the performance benefits and efficiency this approach delivers for modern web development.


Astro is an open-source framework for building fast, content-focused websites with a modern developer experience.

Astro is:

Moreover, these are some of Astro's key features:

As you can see, Astro is an excellent option for building lightning-fast websites. However, creating and managing the content directly from Astro may not be the best experience for content editors.


To overcome this limitation, you can use a headless CMS so your editors will have a visual tool to create and manage your website's content. And Storyblok is a great option to do that.

I'm planning to write a full article about Storyblok because it's worth going deeper into it and discovering all the capabilities and features you can leverage for your project.

But, for now, here you have some of Storyblok's key features and why I choose it as my favorite headless CMS:

Show, don't tell

The theory sounds great, but let's see a step-by-step practical example of creating a basic project using Astro and Storyblok.

1. Create a Storyblok project

Log in to Storyblok and create a new space by clicking Add Space:

Choose the New Space option, define a name for the space and choose the server location (by default, EU):

Storyblok will create a space with sample content for you.

2. Create an Astro project

From your Storyblok space, go to Get Started and copy the npx command:

Now you can locally execute the copied command, and Storyblok's wizard will guide you through the process. To properly follow this tutorial, I need you to choose the following options:

This will create the local Astro project. Now, access and install all the dependencies by running the following command:

cd ./your-project-folder && npm install

Once everything is installed, you will have your Astro + Storyblok project locally. But let's modify a couple of things.

Open your astro.config.mjs file. You will see your Access token is hardcoded there.

export default defineConfig({
integrations: [
// accessToken: env.STORYBLOK_TOKEN,
accessToken: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
apiOptions: {
region: '',

But you can create a .env file in your root and set there your access token:

# .env file
STORYBLOK_TOKEN: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

And modify your astro.config.mjs file accordingly:

export default defineConfig({
integrations: [
- // accessToken: env.STORYBLOK_TOKEN,
- accessToken: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
+ accessToken: env.STORYBLOK_TOKEN,
apiOptions: {
region: '',

If your region is in the US instead of EU, you will need to update that field in the same file:

export default defineConfig({
integrations: [
accessToken: env.STORYBLOK_TOKEN,
apiOptions: {
- region: '',
+ region: 'US',

Optional step: Storyblok requires HTTPS to access the visual editor. By default, the Astro project comes with Vite's basicSsl plugin. However, I prefer to use mkcert. To install it, run the following command:

# install mkcert with npm
npm install vite-plugin-mkcert -D

And update your astro.config.mjs file accordingly:

// astro.config.mjs file 
import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
import storyblok from '@storyblok/astro';
import { loadEnv } from 'vite';
- import basicSsl from '@vitejs/plugin-basic-ssl'
+ import mkcert from 'vite-plugin-mkcert';

const env = loadEnv("", process.cwd(), 'STORYBLOK')

export default defineConfig({
integrations: [
accessToken: env.STORYBLOK_TOKEN,
vite: {
- plugins: [basicSsl()],
+ plugins: [mkcert()],
server: {
https: true,

3. Enable the Visual Editor

You're almost done! Now, you can return to Storyblok's visual editor and change the preview URL. Go to Settings > Configuration > Visual Editor and set your localhost URL using HTTPS:

Next step! Storyblok adds the path of the content page to the URL. So, by default, the visual editor will try to load https://localhost:3000/home. To change it, you need to go to the page configuration and set / as the Real path:

And now, if you refresh the visual editor, you will see your local version of your by-default Astro project's Home directly on Storyblok 🥳

4. Deploy the project on Netlify

Having a visual editor is a great tool, especially for content editors. And this is something that other headless CMSs don't offer. However, using localhost as the preview URL doesn't sound like something that content editors will be happy to hear.

The good news is Storyblok allows you to configure multiple Preview URLs. Therefore, you can keep your localhost Preview URL for local development, and add other development/deployment environments as an option for the Preview source.

To simplify, let's deploy our Astro project on Netlify and configure it as a new Preview URL.

I assume you're familiar with GitHub and Netlify. If not, check this and this before continuing.

Once you've created a new site on Netlify, connected it to your Astro project on GitHub, and deployed it, you can add your new Netlify URL as a Preview URL. Go to Settings > Configuration > Visual Editor on your Storyblok space and set your Netlify URL. You can decide if you want it as your default environment or if you want it as an option:

And now, you finally have your visual editor enabled and available for both your developers and content editors... but with some limitations.

Astro is (by default) an SSG (static site generator) and generates all pages at build time. Hence, editing content in Storyblok won't give your content editors the instant update in Netlify they might expect.

To overcome this, you can use Astro in SSR mode in a specific environment for your content editors. You have more info about how to do this here.

Last but not least, once you publish any content/change in Storyblok, you will need to deploy the project to update your pages. Doing this manually is very annoying, but you can configure a webhook to manage it.

In Netlify, go to Deploys > Deploy settings > Build hooks > Add new hook. Define a name (for example, storyblok_publish), and save it. Copy the URL that this process generates.

Now, go to your Storyblok space and create a new webhook in Settings > Webhooks > New Webhook. Paste the copied URL from Netlify in the Endpoint URL field and check the following triggers: Story > Story published and Story > Story unpublished.

Every time you publish or unpublish any story, a new deployment will be triggered in Netlify——hence, your website will be updated.

Is Astro + Storyblok really fast?

I've explained a ton of things to create an Astro + Storyblok project because this combo is a great option to generate lightning-fast websites. And now that we have a boilerplate project, we can compare it to other options, right?

To properly evaluate the web performance results of this project, I also created a Nuxt.js and a Next.js project with the same boilerplate content — and I deployed all the projects on Netlify. So, I have 3 publicly accessible URLs that can be measured in the lab using PageSpeed Insights:

After running 5 separate tests for each project, this is the average data:

DESKTOP Astro Next Nuxt
FCP (s) 0.413 0.438 1.071
LCP (s) 0.499 0.535 1.071
SI (s) 0.629 0.696 1.328
TBT (ms) 0 1.2 0
CLS 0 0 0.001
MOBILE Astro Next Nuxt
FCP (s) 0.991 0.945 2.539
LCP (s) 0.991 1.197 2.539
SI (s) 1.243 1.377 2.972
TBT(ms) 0 92.4 0
CLS 0 0 0.001

As you can see, Astro has better results when compared to Nuxt or Next. And yes, I'm only testing a very basic template. However, it shows the baseline differences——and demonstrates Astro + Storyblok is a winning combo.

Moreover, Astro is lighter and loads less JS resources:

DESKTOP Astro Next Nuxt
Total resources 4 10 11
Size (Bytes) 10977 91912 81407
Total Scripts 2 8 6
Size (Bytes) 7915 88276 62955
MOBILE Astro Next Nuxt
Total resources 4 10 11
Size (Bytes) 10981 92003 81415
Total Scripts 2 8 6
Size (Bytes) 7915 88332 62935

So, have you tried it yet? :)