Estela Franco

Web Performance lover, Jamstack enthusiast and Technical SEO freak.

Latest Posts

  1. Create a Blog with Eleventy and Storyblok

    This is a step-by-step tutorial on how to create a blog site using Eleventy and Storyblok.

  2. How to connect Eleventy and Storyblok

    This is a step-by-step tutorial on how to query data from Storyblok to use it in an Eleventy project.

  3. Eleventy and Storyblok - My perfect combination

    In this article, I share why I choose this combination, hoping you also fall in love with them.

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Latest Talks

  1. Challenging assumptions about LCP - 2023

    I was honored to participate in the 2023 edition of the conference in Amsterdam.

  2. JS Full-stack Bootcamp to talk about CWV

    I was honored to participate in the JS Full-stack Bootcamp by Guillermo Rodas to talk about webperf and CWV.

  3. Make the most of Lighthouse at WAW Zaragoza

    I participated in the WAW Marketing event in Zaragoza where I talked about how to get the most out of Lighthouse.

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