Create a Blog with Eleventy and Storyblok

Reading time: 24 mins

This is the third post in a series of articles called "Eleventy and Storyblok" to learn how to use this combination to create a web project.

TL;DR: Too much text for you? Don't worry! You have all the code described in this tutorial in this template repository:

Keep in mind, however, that you will need to create your .env file with the proper variables described in this article for the template to work.

Now that you're familiar with why Eleventy + Storyblok is my ideal combination and how to seamlessly query data from Storyblok for use in an Eleventy project, it's time for the next exciting step: let's embark on creating a complete blog site using these two phenomenal technologies!

Creating the Blog Architecture in Storyblok

The desired blog content architecture has the following levels:

├── Homepage
├── articles
│   └── article-1
│   └── article-2
│   └── article-n
├── categories
│   └── category-1
│   └── category-2
│   └── category-n
└── authors
    └── author-1
    └── author-2
    └── author-n

So first you need to create a new site in Storyblok (you already learned how to do this in my previous article). Got it? Then let's create the data architecture and some initial content in it!

Removing the boilerplate content

Remove the default content that Storyblok adds when you create a new site. We will create the blocks and stories we need from scratch.

Creating the initial Blocks: Author and Category

Let's start by creating the Author type. To do this, go to the Block Library (which should be empty if you have deleted all the default blocks) tab and create a new block named Author. Select the option Content type block.

Create new block form. The technical name field is filled with Author. The content type block option is checked

Let's edit it and define the required fields:

Remember to mark them as Required field if they are mandatory.

Fields of the Author block: Name, Bio and Avatar

Let's repeat the process to create the Category type. Still in the Block Library, create a new Content type block type. In this case, the name is Category.

In this case, and to keep it simple for this tutorial, I have only defined one field called (surprise) Category.

The Category blok only has a field in it, and it is called Category

Creating the first stories: Authors and Categories

Now that we have created two content types, let's create the first stories! To do that, go to the Content section (which should be empty) and create a new Folder.

There is a menu under the 'Create new' button with two options: Story or Folder

Let's start with the Authors! During the definition of the folder, restrict the content type to Author. I also recommend you to check the Disable visual editor (Form only) as we won't use the visual editor in this tutorial.

New Folder form, with the fields Name (Authors), Slug (authors), Parent folder (Root), Content type (Restrict to content types - Author) and Folder content settings (disable visual editor option is checked)

You're now inside the (empty) Authors folder. Create a new Story. The pop-up will ask you for some basic data:

New Content Story form, with the fields Name (Author 1), Slug (author-1), Parent folder (Authors), and Content type (Author)

In the next screen, you will see the form with the fields that we defined when creating the Author type. Fill them and hit Save.

Author 1 form, with the fields Name, Bio and Avatar

You can repeat the process and create some more authors. In my case, I have created another one, called (surprise) Author 2.

Authors folder has two stories in it: Author 1 and Author 2

Let's now move on and create some Categories. You can repeat the process and create the Categories folder, which should be restricted to the Category content type. Remember to check the Disable visual editor (Form only) checkbox as we're not using this feature in this tutorial.

New Folder form, with the fields Name (Categories), Slug (categories), Parent folder (Root), Content type (Restrict to content types - Category) and Folder content settings (disable visual editor option is checked)

Now that you're inside the Categories folder, create a new story. In this case, it also asks you for some basic information:

New Content Story form, with the fields Name (Category One), Slug (category-one), Parent folder (Categories) and Content type (Category)

And what about the Articles?

Yes, I know. This is supposed to be a blog site, but I haven't covered the articles yet, right? That's because we're going step by step. And this is the step to start creating Articles.

Let's start by creating the Article content type. Remember how to do this? Correct! Go to the Block Library and create a new Block.

Create new block form. The technical name field is filled with Article. The Content type block option is checked

Now edit it to add the fields.

And you already have the Article block created!

Create new block form. The technical name field is filled with Article. The Content type block option is checked

Let's now create the first article. Go to the Content section and create a new Folder called Articles:

Once again, remember to disable the visual editor (Form only).

Create new content story form with the fields Name (Article 1), Slug (article-1), Parent folder (Articles) and Content type (Article). The Content type block option is checked

And now you will see the form to create your first article. You've seen that I am being very creative with the content I'm using in this new blog site, so you won't be surprised by my first article:

Create new block form. The technical name field is filled with Article. The Content type block option is checked

As you can see, the Author and Category were selected from the drop-down list.

You can repeat these steps to generate a few more articles. I have created a total of 3 articles for this tutorial.

The Articles folder with tree articles in it: Article 1, Article 2 and Article 3

Creating a Homepage

Last but not least, we need a homepage for our brand new blog site. You've seen how creative I've been with the rest of the content. So, the homepage can't be any different!

Let's create the Block first. As usual, go to the Block library and create a new one with the following information:

Create new block form. The technical name is set to Page and 'content type block' is the selected block type

And now, let's define the fields:

So, our homepage will have a heading, a subtitle and a list of the top articles.

Create new block form. The technical name is set to Page and 'content type block' is the selected block type

Let's now create the homepage content. Go to Content, create a new Story and the pop-up will ask you for some basic information:

New content story form. The name is set to Home, slug is home, parent folder is root and content type is set to page

On the next screen, you will see the visual editor enabled. This is happening because Storyblok does offer to disable the visual editor when creating a Folder, but not when creating a Story. Let's disable it as we're not going to use it in this tutorial.

To do it, access the Entry configuration from the navbar above the visual editor. This will open a pop-up and you will see the Edit mode options. Check the Form-only one.

There is a pop-up named 'Entry configuration'. The Edit mode is set to 'form-only'

Ok, it looks easier this way, right? Let's fill the fields with my already-famous creative content:

Home page form, with the heading (This is the homepage), subtitle (Welcome to the homepage of this amazing web site!) and highlights (article 3, article 1 and article 2)

And that's it! You have your headless CMS created and ready to generate new content.

Wait. And what about SEO?

If this question has crossed your mind, THANK YOU! Because we need more people who care about making our sites "SEO friendly" since the first stage of the project.

And if you haven't thought about it, don't worry. I'm here to add this topic just in time.

Create the SEO block

Let's go to the Block Library and create a new nestable block. Call it SEO. Define a minimum and maximum of 1 block.

Create new block form. The technical name is set to SEO, and the 'nestable block' is the selected block type.

Add the following fields:

The pop-up shows the fields that have been created: title, description, noindex, canonical, og_title, og_description and og_image.

Add the SEO block to the other blocks

We want to be able to define the proper SEO and Social Media data for all the stories we have already created, so we need to add it to the related content types:

Once you've added the SEO block to them, you can access the content and add the SEO data:

The pop-up shows the fields that have been created: title, description, noindex, canonical, og_title, og_description and og_image. The pop-up shows the fields that have been created: title, description, noindex, canonical, og_title, og_description and og_image.

Creating the Eleventy project

Alright, you've got the content, but now it's time to build the site that will put that content to use, right? The following steps will help you achieve the desired project structure:

├── src
│   └── _data
│   │    └── articles.js
│   │    └── authors.js
│   │    └── categories.js
│   │    └── home.js
│   │    └── metadata.json
│   └── includes
│   │    └── layouts
│   │    │    └── base.njk
│   │    └── footer.njk
│   │    └── head.njk
│   │    └── header.njk
│   └── public
│   │   └── css
│   │       └── styles.css
│   └── utils
│   │   └── storyblok.js
│   └── article-page.njk
│   └── articles-list.njk
│   └── author-page.njk
│   └── authors-list.njk
│   └── category-page.njk
│   └── categories-list.njk
│   └── index.njk
└── eleventy.js
└── .env
└── .gitignore
└── package.json

Setting up and configuring the Eleventy project

You already learned how to do this in my previous article, so I'll make it faster this time.

1. Create and access your project (and open it using VSCode)

mkdir myproject
cd myproject
code .

2. Create your package.json file in the root directory and paste the following lines:

"scripts": {
"build": "npx @11ty/eleventy",
"start": "npx @11ty/eleventy --serve"
"devDependencies": {
"@11ty/eleventy": "^2.0.1",
"dotenv": "^16.4.1"

3. Install dependencies

npm install

4. Create the .env file in the root directory


5. Create the eleventy.js config file

module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
// Add the .env domain as GlobalData to use in SEO meta data
eleventyConfig.addGlobalData("domain", process.env.DOMAIN );
// Add the current year ad GlobalData to use in the footer
eleventyConfig.addGlobalData("year", new Date().getFullYear())
// Filter articles by Author slug
eleventyConfig.addFilter("filterArticlesByAuthor", function(articles, authorFullSlug) {
const filteredArticles = articles.filter(article => {
return article.content.Author.fullSlug === authorFullSlug;
// Sort the filtered articles by PublicationDate in descending order
filteredArticles.sort((a, b) => {
return new Date(b.content.PublicationDate) - new Date(a.content.PublicationDate);
return filteredArticles;

// Filter articles by Category slug
eleventyConfig.addFilter("filterArticlesByCategory", function(articles, categoryFullSlug) {
const filteredArticles = articles.filter(article => {
return article.content.Category.fullSlug === categoryFullSlug;
// Sort the filtered articles by PublicationDate in descending order
filteredArticles.sort((a, b) => {
return new Date(b.content.PublicationDate) - new Date(a.content.PublicationDate);
return filteredArticles;

// Sort the authors by name:
eleventyConfig.addFilter("sortAuthorsByName", function(authors) {
return authors.sort((a, b) => a.content.Name.localeCompare(b.content.Name));

// Pass Trhough Copy
"./src/public/": "/",

return {
dir: {
input: 'src'

What have we done here? Let's go one by one:

  • Initializing dotenv This initial line populates env variables into process.env and makes it available in the config file.

  • Add Global Data We're adding the DOMAIN enviroment variable as Global Data, ensuring it's available throughout the project.

  • Filter articles by Author We've defined a new filter to retrieve articles authored by a specific author. This filter will be applied on the Author's page to list all articles authored by that individual. Additionally, the articles will be sorted by PublicationDate in descending order.

  • Filter articles by Category Similar to the previous filter, here we're filtering articles belonging to a specific Category. This filter will be utilized on the Category's page to list all articles within that particular Category. Once again, the articles are sorted by PublicationDate in descending order.

  • Sort authors by name This filter enables us to arrange the list of authors alphabetically by their names.

6. Create the src > _data > metadata.json file

"title": "My site",
"language": "en",
"description": "Welcome to my blog site!",
"image": "[fallback-image-for-social-media-goes-here]"

7. Create the src > _includes > head.njk file

<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>{{ title or metadata.title }}</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/styles.css">
<meta name="description" content="{{ description or metadata.description }}">
<link rel="canonical" href="{{ canonical or domain+page.url }}">
{% if noindex == "true" %}
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
{% endif %}
<meta property="og:title" content="{{ og_title or title or metadata.title }}">
<meta property="og:description" content="{{ og_description or description or metadata.description }}">
<meta property="og:image" content="{{ og_image or metadata.image }}">
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="{{ og_title or title or metadata.title }}">
<meta name="twitter:image" content="{{ og_image or metadata.image }}">

This might seem a bit overwhelming, right? It's because we're integrating Nunjucks variables and conditionals (using curly braces) with HTML tags. However, it's just as straightforward and incredible as you saw in the previous code.

For example <link rel="canonical" href="{{ canonical or domain+page.url }}"> generates a canonical link with the canonical URL sourced from the frontmatter data. If that's missing, it constructs a canonical URL by combining the domain (Global Data) with the URL of the current page. BOOM!

8. Create the src > _includes > header.njk file

<nav class="header-nav">
<a class="header-home" href="/">My site</a>
<ul class="header-list">
<li class="header-item"><a href="/articles/">Articles</a></li>
<li class="header-item"><a href="/authors/">Authors</a></li>
<li class="header-item"><a href="/categories/">Categories</a></li>

9. Create the src > _includes > footer.njk file

© {{ year }} - All Rights Reserved

10. Create the src > _includes > layouts > base.njk file

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="{{ metadata.language }}">
{% include "head.njk" %}
{% include "header.njk" %}
<main style="flex-grow:1;">
{{ content | safe }}
{% include "footer.njk" %}

That seemed a bit weird, didn't it? Let's break it down step by step.

  • The lang attribute in the HTML comes from the metadata.json file, where we've set the language.
  • We utilize include to pull in the templates we've created (head, header and footer).

11. Create the src > utils > storyblok.js file

module.exports = async function fetchAPI(query, { variables, preview } = {}) {
const res = await fetch("", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Token: process.env.STORYBLOK_TOKEN,
Version: "published",
body: JSON.stringify({

const json = await res.json();
if (json.errors) {
throw new Error("Failed to fetch API");

This code may sound familiar because we've already covered it in the previous article. Remember, I'm using the published version, but you might opt for the draft version if this template isn't intended for a production site.

12. Create your src > _data > articles.js file.

It will generate the global articles data file, which you'll utilize to create your article pages. This is the code for this file:

const fetchAPI = require("../utils/storyblok.js");

module.exports = async function getArticles () {
const data = await fetchAPI(`
ArticleItems {
items {
content {
Author {
Category {
return data?.ArticleItems.items;

13. Create the src > article-pages.njk file

data: articles
size: 1
alias: article
permalink: "{{ article.full_slug }}/"
layout: layouts/base.njk
templateEngineOverride: njk,md
title: "{{ article.content.SEO[0].title }}"
description: "{{ article.content.SEO[0].description }}"
canonical: "{{ article.content.SEO[0].canonical }}"
noindex: "{{ article.content.SEO[0].noindex }}"
og_title: "{{ article.content.SEO[0].og_title }}"
og_description: "{{ article.content.SEO[0].og_description }}"
og_image: "{{ article.content.SEO[0].og_image.filename }}"
<h1>{{ article.content.Title }}</h1>
<a href="/{{ article.content.Author.fullSlug }}">{{ }}</a>
<span> - </span>
<a href="/{{ article.content.Category.fullSlug }}">{{ }}</a>
<p>{{ article.content.PublicationDate }}</p>
{{ article.content.Body | safe }}

Yes, that's a lot of SEO and Social Media metadata, but it's necessary! You might be wondering why this data is under eleventyComputed instead of being set directly, like we did with permalink.

And that's a great question! We can only use variables and shortcodes in permalink and eleventyComputed. Therefore, we don't need to set the permalink under eleventyComputed, but the rest of the custom fields must be placed there to ensure they are dynamicly updated."

14. Create the src > articles-list.njk file

This template will list all the published articles.

permalink: "/articles/"
layout: layouts/base.njk
title: "Articles"
description: "This is the list of Articles"
{% for article in articles %}
<li><a href="/{{ article.full_slug }}">{{ article.content.Title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
  • Filename: src > _data > authors.js
const fetchAPI = require("../utils/storyblok.js");

module.exports = async function getAuthors () {
const data = await fetchAPI(`
AuthorItems {
items {
content {
Avatar {
return data?.AuthorItems.items;
  • Filename: src > author-page.njk
data: authors
size: 1
alias: author
permalink: "{{ author.full_slug }}/"
layout: layouts/base.njk
title: "{{ author.content.SEO[0].title }}"
description: "{{ author.content.SEO[0].description }}"
canonical: "{{ author.content.SEO[0].canonical }}"
noindex: "{{ author.content.SEO[0].noindex }}"
og_title: "{{ author.content.SEO[0].og_title }}"
og_description: "{{ author.content.SEO[0].og_description }}"
og_image: "{{ author.content.SEO[0].og_image.filename }}"

<div class="author-info">
<img class="author-avatar" src="{{ author.content.Avatar.filename }}">
<h1 class="author-name">{{ author.content.Name }}</h1>
<p>{{ author.content.Bio }}</p>
<h2>Articles by {{ author.content.Name }}</h2>

{% set targetAuthorFullSlug = author.full_slug %}
{% set filteredArticles = articles | filterArticlesByAuthor(targetAuthorFullSlug) %}
{% for article in filteredArticles %}
<h3><a href="/{{ article.full_slug }}">{{ article.content.Title }}</a></h3>
<span>Publication Date: {{ article.content.PublicationDate }}</span>
{% else %}
<p>No articles found for this author.</p>
{% endfor %}

  • Filename: src > authors-list.njk
permalink: "/authors/"
layout: layouts/base.njk
title: "Authors"
description: "This is the list of Authors"
{% for author in authors | sortAuthorsByName %}
<li><a href="/{{ author.full_slug }}">{{ author.content.Name }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
  • Filename: src > _data > categories.js
const fetchAPI = require("../utils/storyblok.js");

module.exports = async function getCategories () {
const data = await fetchAPI(`
CategoryItems {
items {
content {
return data?.CategoryItems.items;
  • Filename: src > category-page.njk
data: categories
size: 1
alias: category
permalink: "{{ category.full_slug }}/"
layout: layouts/base.njk
title: "{{ category.content.SEO[0].title }}"
description: "{{ category.content.SEO[0].description }}"
canonical: "{{ category.content.SEO[0].canonical }}"
noindex: "{{ category.content.SEO[0].noindex }}"
og_title: "{{ category.content.SEO[0].og_title }}"
og_description: "{{ category.content.SEO[0].og_description }}"
og_image: "{{ category.content.SEO[0].og_image.filename }}"
<h1>{{ category.content.Category }}</h1>

{% set targetCategoryFullSlug = category.full_slug %}
{% set filteredArticles = articles | filterArticlesByCategory(targetCategoryFullSlug) %}
{% for article in filteredArticles %}
<h3><a href="/{{ article.full_slug }}">{{ article.content.Title }}</a></h3>
<span>Publication Date: {{ article.content.PublicationDate }}</span>
{% else %}
<p>No articles found for this category.</p>
{% endfor %}
  • Filename: src > categories-list.njk
permalink: "/categories/"
layout: layouts/base.njk
title: "Categories"
description: "This is the list of Categories"
{% for category in categories %}
<li><a href="/{{ category.full_slug }}">{{ category.content.Category }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}

In this case, we need the Home id. You can find it using the GAPI browser, as I explained in my previous article.

  • Once you have the home id, add the variable in the .env file:
+ HOME_ID="[your-home-id]"
  • Create the src > _data > home.js file and add the following code in it:
const fetchAPI = require("../utils/storyblok");

module.exports = async function getHome () {
const data = await fetchAPI(`
PageItem(id: "
${process.env.HOME_ID}") {
content {
Highlights {
return data?.PageItem;
  • Create the src > index.njk file:
data: home
size: 1
permalink: "/"
layout: layouts/base.njk
title: "{{ home.content.SEO[0].title }}"
description: "{{ home.content.SEO[0].description }}"
canonical: "{{ home.content.SEO[0].canonical }}"
noindex: "{{ home.content.SEO[0].noindex }}"
og_title: "{{ home.content.SEO[0].og_title }}"
og_description: "{{ home.content.SEO[0].og_description }}"
og_image: "{{ home.content.SEO[0].og_image.filename }}"
<h1>{{ home.content.Heading }}</h1>
<p class="home-subtitle">{{ home.content.Subtitle }}</p>

<h2>Highlighted Articles</h2>
{% for article in home.content.Highlights %}
<li><a href={{ article.fullSlug }}>{{ article.content.Title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}

18. Create the src > public > css > styles.css file

/* Colors */
:root {
--darkgray: #202124;
--purple: #713973;
--white: #FFF;
body {
background-color: var(--white);
color: var(--darkgray);
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
font-family: system,-apple-system,system-ui,BlinkMacSystemFont,Roboto-Light,sans-serif;
font-size: clamp(1.1em, calc(0.25vw + 0.8em), 1.25em);
margin: 0;
min-height: 100vh;
padding: 0;
header {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
border-bottom: 1px solid var(--darkgray);
footer {
border-top: 1px solid var(--darkgray);
text-align: center;
padding: 1em;
main {
flex-grow: 1;
margin: 4em auto 0 auto;
width: min(60em, 90%);
.header-home {
text-decoration: none;
font-size: 1.5em;
font-weight: 600;
color: var(--darkgray);
&:hover {
color: var(--purple);
.header-nav {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
width: min(60em, 90%);
margin: 0 auto;
.header-list {
margin-right: 1em;
padding: 0;
list-style: none;
float: left;
margin-left: 1em;
display: flex;
justify-content: flex-end;
flex-grow: 1;
list-style: none;
.header-item {
font-size: 1em;
& a {
margin: 0 1em;
color: var(--darkgray);
text-decoration: none;
&:hover {
color: var(--purple);
.author-avatar {
width: 75px;
.author-name {
margin-left: 1.5em;
.author-info {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
p:empty {
display: none;

Run it locally

You're nearly finished! With your content in Storyblok and your code stored in a local repository, it's time to run it locally and ensure everything appears as intended.

npm start

Executing this command will run Eleventy locally, making your brand new (local) site accessible at port 8080. If port 8080 is already in use, the correct port will be displayed in the console.

Demo and Template Repository

You can see this blog site in action here:

Blog site homepage. Blog site articles list. Blog site article page. Blog site author page.

In addition, you have all the code described in this tutorial in this template repository: So, you can create your own blog site by clicking the "Use this template" button.

What's next?

This tutorial has guided you through configuring and building a blog site, utilizing Storyblok for data storage and Eleventy for page generation. Once completed, you can deploy your Eleventy project to your preferred Jamstack hosting service. By setting up appropriate workflows and hooks, you can ensure that your site updates automatically whenever you publish a new story in Storyblok.

You have all these steps defined in this article.

Can I use the Storyblok Visual Editor with Eleventy?

Long answer short? Yes but it's not straightforward.

Long answer: Yes, you can leverage it by configuring an edge function to refresh the API/GAPI data from Storyblok upon updates. Eleventy generates data during build time. Consequently, even after saving new data, the data won't be updated in the Visual Editor preview unless the edge function rebuilds it.

Storyblok's visual editor seamlessly integrates with other frameworks like Next or Nuxt, allowing you to observe content updates instantly, even without saving changes. However, this functionality is not supported by static site generators.

In the next article in this series, I will use Netlify Edge functions to leverage the Storyblok Visual Editor to make working with the editor easier and more intuitive. Stay tuned!